Rewind a week. My Aunt (you know, the really awesome one I mentioned a couple posts ago) offers her Cricut cutting machine to me. Ecstatic to be getting it, I concoct a grandiose Valentine plan for Sophia. Bad idea. Bad, bad, bad idea. I have now spent 4 nights working on these. They are so pretty that I don't even know if I WANT to let her give them to her 3 year old friends who will surely just shove them down into their tiny little backpacks, not knowing the HOURS I have put into these things. But, I will. I will give these gorgeous cards to her, tied up with a pretty bow to distribute to all of her friends. (I enjoy the "wow" factor, but we will get into that on another date.)
Back on subject. Mia walks down last night. I am finishing up the card part of the Valentine. She looks at me and says "Where aren't MY Valentines like this?" I explain, "We already made your Valentines, remember, the ones with the crayons and pictures?" Nope, she was not having it. She wants some like THESE. THIS IS NOT FAIR. SOPHIA'S ARE BETTER. WAH, WAH, WAH. I am not down to duplicate the exact same Valentine for all of Mia's classmates, I just am not. I also don't really want to make a modified version of them because I don't know if Mia would even appreciate that because they won't be JUST LIKE SOPHIA's. How difficult this is..... teaching your children individuality, appreciating the work that she put into the Valentines that SHE MADE for her friends. Tough stuff. Ok, Rant off.

Side note: The Valentines from my own brain came out better than that of pinterest.
Haha... that's what you get for being a show-off!