Day to day I am struggling to keep myself sane. I tell myself "It doesn't matter if the baby has a bed set up", "It won't matter that his clothes aren't micro organized by color, shape, & size", "All the baby needs is you." Somehow I just can't make myself believe it. My mother in law told her pool guy today that it looks like I am having twins.... gee, thanks! Mental note to self- NEVER tell a pregnant woman she looks like she is having twins, unless, she is in fact having twins. :MAJOR OVERREACTION ALERT: Her comment sent me into a whirlwind of mental disfunction. All I could think was "Man, he IS going to come early, and I WON'T be ready." Luckily I have a wonderful husband who *most often* knows what and when to say what he does to calm me down. Sigh.
I took some progress pictures of the bathroom and bedroom today so you all can see what is happening and maybe send some positive vibes for a speedy progression. Thanks in advance.

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