I have a ton of family, and by a ton, I really do mean a ton. As fore mentioned, I like meaningful gifts. I also like to get everyone gifts, but that isn't always in the budget, so I have to get creative. For months now I have been wanting to make my family members wool dryer balls. Unfortunately life tends to get in the way of my grandiose crafty plans. This year, I am on my game. I am done with most of my immediate family (minus my children, they would just find their presents), leaving me time to make these balls. Now, if you don't know about wool dryer balls,
you should. They are awesome. Just pop 2-4 of those suckers in your dryer and you have amazingly fluffy clothes, with less drying time and no yucky chemicals from dryer sheets. Yay!
Here is a semi tutorial.
First take 100% wool yarn that is not of a superwash base and wind into a ball.

Next, take wool fiber and needle felt into the balls of yarn. (I got a bag of fun colored scraps off etsy for cheap)

Place each ball into some old ripped pantyhose or tights. Wash with laundry and dry a couple times until desired felt is reached.

Some of my finished products: