My Weekly Belly Shot.

Bella has started making this crazy face every time she sees a camera. This is her "say cheese" face. I adore it. Soon she will not want to smile for the camera at all, it will take me 50 shots to get a good one. She is developing a little attitude, I am not sure where she gets it from, but I am confident that I will be battling it for the next 18 years.... or more.

This week is the last day of Miss Mia's 2 week spring break vacation. We have been super busy getting our nails done, meeting friends for lunch, and having play dates. She seems to be quite the little socialite.
Sophia is beginning to feel left out due to the extensive social life Mia has developed. She is old enough to know Mia is going to do something fun, she just isn't old enough to go. I am excited for her to start school, she is going to love it. This week she has been particularly bossy. Constantly instructing me on what I need to be doing or telling me "I can do it myself, mom". Little Miss Independent.