After dinner, the evening of July 28th it started. After doing "the deed" with my dear husband, it took only 30 minutes for my contractions to start. I would not let myself be convinced that it was "real". I continued on with my evening activities, playing outdoors with the kids, some light weeding throughout my overgrown flower beds, and the normal bedtime routine (Bath, Books, Kisses). After getting the girls to bed John and I sat down to play a game of Monopoly to keep my mind off the persistant contractions. By the end of the game they were coming every 4 minutes for 2 minutes long, I knew it was real.
11:30 p.m. my midwife and doula arrive to start setting things up. I was in the tub when they arrived and stayed there until I began getting pruney. I then relied on my ball for comfort and alternated rest periods with walking up and down the stairs. By 4:45 a.m. I was extremely exhausted, asking my midwife to check me and see what kind of progress I had made. I could see it in her face, I wasn't far. Only 4 cm. dialated and 0 station. I felt devastated. My doula and midwife advised me to lay down on my side and try to nap between contractions, so I followed their advise.
It felt like a freight train was charging through my body. I was abruptly awaken by furious contractions 30 minutes after I had lain down. I got up from my bed and made my way to the toilet to pee. Back to back with 10-20 second breaks the contractions raged through my body. Instincts took over at this point. I went back to my ball and squeezed it with all of my might, trying to "breathe" through the contractions to the best of my ability. My midwife decided to check me again, she needed to know why I was in so much pain. "We need to hurry Sally" she said to my doula. I knew he was coming. I had dialated to a 7 and was now at a +3 station. "I think you would be more comfortable in the tub, Jenn, lets try to move in between contractions." I dug deep and mustered up all the strength I could to let go of that ball and make way toward the tub.
2 steps. That is as far as I could make it before I dropped to my hands and knees, barely inside the bathroom doors. I could feel him. HE WAS COMING. I grabbed on to my husbands torso and tried to focus my breathing and low bellows. I kept thinking "You are squeezing him to hard, you are hurting him" but my hands would not ease up, my husband was just going to have to endure. "You are doing so great, he is almost here" my husband chanted to me. I reached down and felt his head emerging. John Maverick born at 6:17 a.m. July 29th 7lbs. 6oz.
My mother and stepmother arrived shortly after. My children woke up at 8:00, for the first time. (I am amazed they didn't wake through my middle of the night screams) Overnight they became big sisters, it was magical, they were completely in awe of their new brother. I couldn't have asked for a better birth. It was absolutely perfect.